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Daisy's mom was the best baker I knew, she should've owned a bakery or been on one of those cooking competitions, that’s how good she was . Sometimes after school I would get off the bus at her house, we’d walk in and be consumed in a delicious smell of whatever new flavor creation her mom was attempting that day. Her house was warm, full of character, and you could feel the positive vibes that Daisy and her mom spread. However, it wasn't always like that.


Right as Daisy and I began high school her dad unexpectedly passed away. It hit her and her mom really hard. Daisy, whose name describes her perfectly, was no longer the bright, spirited, and positive girl that everyone was drawn too. Her family was the kind of family you see posing for the pictures you see in the frames before you buy them, perfect. They were good people, you don’t expect things like that to happen to such good people.


She was an only child and I was the closest thing she had to a sister. It was a hard thing for me too. No one wants to see there best friend to go through that. It took a while for Daisy to slowly recover from such a terrible loss. But I was there for her through the whole journey. What was inspiring was Daisy’s mom. She was a beautiful and strong woman. I think her strength was what made her so beautiful. Even after losing her husband she remained faithful to the lord, continuing in bible studies, church services, and daily devotions. At that time she began her interest in baking, I think that was her was of dealing with her grief, but I don’t think anyone mind. She would make hundreds of muffins, cookies, elaborate cakes, and any other kind of baked good you can imagine. Long after her and Daisy had moved passed their grief she continued to bake. She became fond of it, and so did I.


She taught Daisy and I all her tips and tricks on how to master her specialties. As she aged she would watch Daisy and I continue to create her masterpieces, correcting our every move. Daisy became quite the baker, almost as good as her mom. When her mom passed years later she didn’t want to go through the same thing as she did with her dad. She didn’t want to morn, she didn’t want to change who she was, she wanted to make her mom proud.


A Sprinkle of Happiness, Daisy’s bakery opened a little over a year after her mom’s passing. Featuring her mom’s most popular and favorite desserts. Daisy knew that her mom always wanted her own bakery, she knew that this would make her mom so happy and so proud.


Although daisy was given unimaginable misfortune throughout her life. She learned to push through and turn her sorrows into joy. She was living her mother's dream, and filling those shoe brought her more happiness than anything else in this world could.

Living the dream

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