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A Sprinkle of Happiness 

Happy Reflection

In the film “Happy” directed by Roko Belic it shows viewers the lives of people all around the world. Some of these people, to us, appear to have nothing. But to them they have everything they need, and that's what makes them happy. They surround themselves with family, with friends, and with community which bring them true joy. The people they surround himself with  provide love and support and that's all they need. The film focuses on relationships and the importance of them. How our happiness is not based on how we look and what we have, but is based off of long standing and supporting relationships.

The film was an eye opener for me. I consider myself to be a materialistic person. I like to have nice clothes and to look nice. In my opinion it's not a bad thing to want nice things. I think it can become bad when that's all we focus on and strive for. Its different to have a lot of fancy, expensive, nice things and seclude yourself from others. That will do nothing but cause someone to feel lonely. But if we allow our self a healthy balance of what we want and meaningful relationship it won't be hard to obtain the happiness we all desire.

There was one part in the film that shows us this community of people who all live together in this building. All the children play together, all the adults take turn cooking, and  they celebrate things together. This group of individual families becomes one big family and support system. They trust each other and rely on each other to make sure their little community stay running smoothly.  This part in the movie stuck out to me the most because of how they didn't have much separately but when they all come together as one big group they have everything that they need. They were all so selfless and were more concerned about the needs of others rather than themselves. If everyone acted like that in our country, even in our neighborhoods you would definitely be able to see a change in moods and a change in hearts.

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